November 4, 2018

The doors are open. Come, listen and enjoy. St. John’s Cathedral believes in spreading love and sharing the transformative joy of worship to all through music. We invite the public to visit and partake in any of our world-class musical series.

EVENSONG FOR EVERYONE - Enjoy a contemplative hour as our choir performs traditional Evensong with music from all eras. This 45-minute experience is non-participatory and soothing. Stay afterward to greet the choir and converse with friends over a glass of wine or cup of tea. Experience the fellowship of St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral in downtown Knoxville. Free to attend.

Experience the All Saints Sunday Evensong including music by Charles Wood, Herbert Howells and John Tavener’s “They Are All Gone Into The World of Light.”

Located at St. John’s Cathedral

Sunday, Nov 4 - 5pm


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